CSRC - Claim Bill Submission - 2024-2025
CSRC - Operating the Single GST Number - Instruction
Applications are invited for various Faculty awards of Anna University - Last date : 06-11-2024
Call For Proposals - 2024 - Seed Grant For Newly Inducted Faculty Members - Last date : 13-11-2024
Submission of Form 16A for TDS Deductions on Research, Consultancy, Testing and Training Activities
CSRC Name Change - Circular
CSRC - Selection Committee panel members for recruitment of Project / Consultancy staff
TSA procedure for research projects - Instructions
Circular - TSA Procedure - Reminder
Certification of appreciation from GOI for prompt filing of returns & payment of GST
Additional Auditors list approved by the Syndicate
About Centre for Sponsored Research and Consultancy (CSRC)
CSRC @ Anna University
Anna University is committed to strengthen its “Research Innovation Ecosystem”. One of the key elements in a vibrant research innovation ecosystem rests in the efficiency of interconnections of resources and competencies and strength of internal relations. Essentiality of functional autonomy for nourishing innovation processes was recognized early by the leadership of Anna University.
The centre plays the critical function of “playing one stop centre” for not only building relations with external stakeholders but also in facilitating smooth transactions among the internal shareholders for all activities relating to research, consultancy and training. Playing a proactive role in building external relations and facilitating the internal processes for creating an enabling ecosystem for internal stakeholders and faculty members of the University for meeting their research aspirations form the major focus of all function of CSRC. The centre facilitates the internal users in all stages from formulation to completion of all project, consultancy, testing, training related activities.
The major responsibilities of CSRC are as follows below:
- Organizing interactive programmes / meetings and R&D establishments
- Motivating Faculty / Researchers / Students through awards, incentives, etc.
- Show casing Technologies / Research findings
- Conducting appreciation programmes on state of the art technologies
Consultancy work will be taken up to solve problems referred by industries, institutions, government agencies and corporations, societies and any other bodies, including professionals / individuals wherein the professional expertise and knowledge of the faculty members (Consultants) as well as the infrastructural facilities of the University will be utilized.
Assignments like the Testing / Calibration of instruments / development of software etc., for industries / institutions undertaken by the faculty members (Consultants), wherein the facilities available in the University are utilized to a great extent. Applicable charges as fixed by the consultative committee of Department / Centre shall be charged for the utilization of facility / equipment.
Funding agencies identify research thrust areas & themes and invite proposal for research. Government agencies like DST, DAE, DoS, DRDO etc. will sponsor to research projects in Universities for understanding the underlying principles of interest to their own knowledge domains as part of their Human Resource Development Initiative. Private agencies will sponsor for the research and stake claims for first use of the results for private good.
Training programmes are offered by the faculty members to persons from academic institutions, industry, Government and user agencies on topics of interest to them, where the outsiders want to upgrade their knowledge and skills, and where the faculty has the required expertise in addition to training to students / staff.